Thursday, March 5, 2009


Charlie Chaplin was so popular during the 1920s and 1930s, he received over 73,00 letters in just 2 days during a visit to London.
Warren Harding was the first US president who could drive a car.
George Washington died the last hour of the last day of the last week of the last month of the last year of the 18th century.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to ride in an automobile, fly on a plane, and go underwater in a submarine.
JFK was the first president born in the 20th century.
Thomas Jefferson was once given a 1,235 pound hunk of cheese, giving us the term "the big cheese."
President McKinley was shot while shaking hands with spectators.
Theodore Roosevelt's wife and mother both died on Feb. 14, 1884.
Lincoln was shot on Good Friday.
James Garfield often gave campaign speeches in German.
George Washington died after being bled by leeches.
Leslie Lynch King, Jr. is the birth name of American President Gerald. R. Ford. Ford was the son of Leslie Lynch King and his wife Dorothy Ayer Gardner, who divorced soon after the birth of their only child. When his mother married Gerald R. Ford, Sr. in 1916, he adopted the name Gerald R. Ford, Jr.
Noah Webster was referred to as "the walking question mark" during his student days at Yale.
Ellen DeGeneres was the first stand-up comedian Johnny Carson ever asked to sit on "The Tonight Show" guest couch during a first appearance.
Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla became the first non-Italian pope in 455 years on October 17, 1978. He was inaugurated six days later in a mass at St. Peter's Square, becoming John Paul II.
Entertainers who worked in the pizza business before they became famous include Stephen Baldwin, who was a pizza parlor employee, Bill Murray, who was a pizza maker, and Jean-Claude Van Damme, who delivered pizzas. Many years back, Julia Roberts and Christie Brinkley both sold ice cream. Before she made it as a pop singer, Madonna sold doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts. And in the burger arena, Jennifer Aniston was a waitress at a burger joint, Queen Latifah worked at Burger King, and Andie McDowell was employed by McDonald's.
Lyndon Johnson's First Family all had initials LBJ. Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Linda Bird Johnson and Lucy Baines Johnson. And his dog, Little Beagle Johnson.
Orson Welles is buried in an olive orchard on a ranch owned by his friend, matador Antonio Ordonez in Sevilla, Spain.
The concerti on the two Voyager probes' information are performed by famed Canadian pianist Glenn Gould.
Jonathan Davids, lead singer for Korn, played in his high school bagpipe band.
John F. Kennedy's rocking chair was auctioned off for $442,000.
David Atchison, as president pro tempore of the Senate in 1849, was U-S president for one day - Sunday, March 4th - pending the inauguration of President-elect Zachary Taylor on Monday, March 5th.
Shangri-la, the presidential hideaway near Thurmont, Maryland, was renamed Camp David in honor of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's father and grandson on May 22, 1953.
Actor Steve McQueen encouraged his karate teacher to pursue a career in acting. The teacher? Chuck Norris. McQueen is quoted as telling Norris, "If you can't do anything else' there's always acting."
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt ate three chocolate-covered garlic balls every morning. Her doctor suggested this to improve her memory.
Rap artist Sean "Puffy" Combs had his first job at age two when he modeled in an ad for Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shops.
One year, Elvis Presley paid 91% of his annual income to the IRS.
Steven Spielberg is Drew Barrymore's godfather. After seeing her nude in Playboy magazine, he sent her a blanket with a note telling her to cover herself up.
Mao Zedong, like many Chinese of his time, refused to brush his teeth. Instead, he rinsed his mouth with tea and chewed the leaves. Why brush? "Does a tiger brush his teeth?" argued Mao. As you can imagine, his teeth were green. Chairman Mao also loved to chain-smoke English cigarettes, when his doctor asked him to cut down, he explained that "smoking is also a form of deep-breathing exercise, don't you think?"
In 1977, the legendary Groucho Marx died three days after Elvis Presley died. Unfortunately, due to the fevered commotion caused by Presley's unanticipated death, the media paid little attention to the passing of this brilliant comic. Groucho, with his talented brothers (Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo), starred in irreverent films in the 1920's through 1940's, including "Duck Soup", "A Night at the Opera", "Love Happy," and "A Day at the Races." For five decades, Groucho had worked in the industry as an actor, comedian, TV game show host, and writer, and he won an Emmy in the early days of television for Outstanding Personality.

Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana.
Winston Churchill, prime minister of England during World War II, superstitiously feared January 24 because he was certain it was destined to be the day of his death. Churchill's father had died on that date. Churchill did indeed die on January 24, 1965.
Hitler was claustrophobic. They had to install a mirror in an elevator just to keep him from being scared.
Desi Arnaz's (Ricky Ricardo from "I Love Lucy") father was mayor of Santiago, Cuba, and his mother the daughter of one of the founders of Bacardi Rum. His family went into exile after the coup that brought Fulgencio Batista to power in 1934. The family made its new home in Miami, Florida. Desi's best friend in high school - Al Capone, Jr.
More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been cathedral organists.
Green Bay Packers backup quarterback, Matt Hasselbeck, has been struck by lightning twice in his life.
"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know I'm not blonde." -Dolly Parton
"You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy."—Erica Jong
Writer Director Actor Albert Brooks real name is Albert Einstein.
The Taco Bell dog is a girl. Her name is Gidget.
Howard Hughes once made half a billion dollars in one day. In 1966, he received a bank draft for $546,549,171.00 in return for his 75% holdings in TWA.
Before they became famous, many entertainers worked in sales. Among them, Johnny Cash sold appliances, Rue McClanahan sold blouses, Boris Karloff sold real estate, Leonard Nimoy sold vacuum cleaners, and George Takei sold men's ties.
Thomas Marshall (1854-1925), U.S. vice-president, once remarked "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar."
William Shatner went to Balfour Collegiate (Regina, Saskatchewan) during his high school years.
President John Tyler had fifteen children.
March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday.
Attila the Hun was a dwarf. Pepin the Short, Aesop, Gregory the Tours, Charles 3 of Naples, and the Pasha Hussein were all less than 3.5 feet tall.
President Grover Cleveland was a draft dodger. He hired someone to enter the service in his place, for which he was ridiculed by his political opponent, James G. Blaine. It was soon discovered, however, that Blaine had done the same thing himself.
Rita Moreno is the first and only entertainer to have received all 4 of America's top entertainment industry awards: the Oscar, the Emmy, the Tony and the Grammy.
Sharon Stone was the first Star Search spokesmodel.
James Doohan, who plays Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott on Star Trek, is missing his entire middle finger on his right hand.
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger paid $772,500 for President John F. Kennedy's golf clubs at a 1996 auction.
The author of Roberts' Rules of Order, Col. Roberts of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, is also famous as the engineer in charge of designing the Seawall in Galveston, Texas. This Seawall was constructed after the famous hurricane of 1900 which hit Galveston, killing thousands.
The founder of JC Penny had the name of James Cash Penny.
Michael Jackson was black. :)
Dick Clark of American Bandstand fame is the host of the CBS trivia game show "Winning Lines". Clark is also the producer of rival network Fox's game show "Greed".
Whoopi Goldberg was a mortuary cosmetologist and a bricklayer before becoming an actress.
Before he became famous for his TV comedy work, the late Phil Hartman worked as a talented and respected graphic designer. In fact, he was the designer of the logo for Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.
The famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet won 100,000 francs in the state lottery. The money made him financially independent.
Talk show host Montel Williams had a nose job.
Howard Hughes' original fortune came from his father's invention of an oil drill bit capable of boring through subterranean rock.
The first U.S. president to use a telephone was James Garfield.
Recording star Vanilla Ice's real name is Robert Van Winkle.
Shirley Temple made $1 million by the age of 10.
The first U.S. president to visit Moscow was Richard Nixon.
King Kong was Adolf Hitler's favorite movie.
Mickey Mouse was the first non-human to win an Oscar.
James Dean died in a Porsche Spider. [Webmaster's Note: James Dean died outside of Paso Robles, California, about a half an hour north of my home.]
Napoleon was terrified of cats.
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the first Hummer manufactured for civilian use in 1992. The vehicle weighed in at 6,300 lbs and was 7 feet wide.
When asked to name his favorite among all his paintings, Pablo Picasso replied "the next one."
The godfather of actress Winona Ryder was the late Dr. Timothy Leary, LSD guru of the 1960s. Winona’s father, Michael Horowitz, served at one time as Leary’s archivist and ran a bookstore called Flashback Books. Additionally, her parents were politically active intellectuals, and Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was a good family friend.
Reportedly, Virginia Woolf wrote all her books while standing.
When Errol Flynn appeared as a contestant on the mid-1950s TV quiz show The Big Surprise, he was questioned about sailing and won $30,000.
Before he catapulted to fame, Bob Dylan was paid $50 in 1960 for playing the harmonica on a Harry Belafonte album.
John F. Kennedy and Warren Harding were the only United States presidents to be survived by their fathers.
Ignce Paderewski, one of the greatest concert pianists of all time, was also premier of Poland.
Richard M. Nixon, as a young naval officer in World War II, set up the only hamburger stand in the South Pacific. Nixon's Snack Shack served free burgers and Australian beer to flight crews.
On "forever-39" Jack Benny's 80th birthday, Frank Sinatra gave him two copies of the book "Life Begins at Forty."
When Yul Brynner had hair, it was dark brown.
Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Dostoyevsky were all epileptics.
President Theodore Roosevelt wrote 37 books.
Vincent Van Gogh shot and killed himself while painting "Wheatfield with Crows."
Bill Cosby was the first black to win a best actor Emmy.
Ronald Reagan's first wife was Jane Wyman.
Abraham Lincoln had a wart on his face.
Princess Grace was once on the board of 20th Century-Fox.


Did you know that 85% of the population between the ages of of 12 to 24 are likely to suffer from some form of acne? Some folks may undergo benign or even serious forms well up until their forties. But worry not! Acne is a skin disorder that is neither ancestral or contagious. Notably, it's a universal skin disorder that manifests itself in all genders, ages and races.
Acne is the result of over-induced sebaceous glands (or the skin’s oil glands), obstructed pilosebaceous units imbedded deep beneath the skin, and jammed up skin pores. Primarily, it develops from blocked pilosebaceous canals. If these canals are obstructed by hardened sebum and dead cells, which incidentally block the ejection of dirt and body wastes, then this promotes ripe breeding grounds for Propionibacterium acne (the P. acnes) in the follicle walls or hair pores. These acne-infecting bacteria will then attract white blood cells. The area then gets inflamed due to the body's reaction to this activity. This, of course, leads to acne.
Acne comes in a number of forms, however it can be classified into just 3. They are:
Whiteheads and blackheads (blocked and unblocked clogs respectively). Mild inflammatory acne which includes papules and pustules. Cystic acnes or nodules.
In addition, acne might come in different types, each with their own characteristics. Some kinds are interrelated and others have independent origins.
Cysts - are pus filled and have sac-like formation. This is the most severe.APapules - are typically inflamed pimples.Comedo - or microcomedo, the smallest type of lesion. Pustules - are pus-filled and commonly yellowish in colour. Nodules - almost the same as pustules, but they differ in size and degree of inflammation
There are other forms of acne like:
Acne vulgaris - this is the most common form which comprise of blackheads and whiteheads. They ordinarily appear about the shoulder, the surface of the face and forehead. Infantile acne - which occurs to infants or new born babies. Acne rosacea - acne growing on the skin surface of adults, particularly middle-aged women. Scalp folliculitis - or acne that manifest on the scalp and around the hairline. Perioral dermatitis - this is more prevalent in women and is characterized by tiny pustules and papules. Acne fulminans - normally characterized with systematic symptoms.
What exactly causes acne is a topic of much debate. Nonetheless, studies have been made to determine some of the causes which may provoke the production of acne. These include the following:
1) Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes (the acne-infecting bacteria) 2) Psychological stress (also, emotional stress) 3) An Unhealthy diet4) Ineffective functioning digestive system 5) Hormonal imbalances and changes (which may be the product of the digestive system reacting to certain foods) 6) Cosmetic products (specifically oil-based products)
Though many believe acne cannot be cured fully, there are treatments to minimize the skin’s vulnerability to acne infection. These might composed by the following kinds of treatments:
1) Topical acne treatments or those that may be applied on the external layers of the skin.2) Oral drugs or drugs that can be taken systematically, these are usually composed of anti-biotics like spironolactone, minocycline and doxycycline treatments.3) Homeophatic acne treatments or those that can be prepared at home and are normally bought over the couter (soap, water, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and alcohol)


The newly released Iphone by Apple has some of the most innovative concepts that have come out in the cell phone industry to date. Much like their Ipod took the portable music industry by storm several years back, the Iphone now promises that Apple will be setting new standards that other cell phone manufacturers will be trying to emulate.Fusion Of 3 TechnologiesThe biggest selling point of the Iphone is that it fuses 3 major technologies that are often found separately into one package. The Iphone is a portable music player (literally an Ipod), a cellular telephone, and a PDA with internet browsing capability. While some cell phones to date have mixed some of these technologies together in pairs, the Iphone is the first of it's kind to successfully fuse them all.LCD Screen Is GUI And Skin SensitiveThe main interface method of the Iphone is distinct because of it's lack of manual buttons. Instead, it employs a 3.5 inch touch sensitive LCD screen that can be manipulated directly by touch like a PDA. However, unlike a PDA this unit's screen is skin-sensitive, and doesn't respond to contact with anything except skin. This makes a stylus unnecessary. Furthermore, the skin-sensitive surface also has detectors which scan surface areas near the phone, and switches the interface off when near your face to keep you from accidentally pressing a button when you're making a call.Mixing Online Capabilities With Phone FeaturesThe Iphone's internet browsing capability is Wifi supported, and it mixes internet browsing features with some cellular telephone features. For example, SMS can be edited to look like chat format for easy reference. For another, the address book on your email can be linked to your contact list, making it a snap to find a person's contact information. Added to this, Apple has contracts with google and yahoo for specialized Iphone services, like accessing goggle maps via your Iphone.Mixing The Ipod's Versatility With The Browser And CameraLastly, even the common gadgets that are added features for most cell phones today have been mixed with the Iphone's features. For example, downloading songs to your Iphone's Ipod MP3 player no longer requires an external link to a PC since you can browse using your Iphone. Similarly, the Iphone has a camera that acts as a digital cam-corder and playback is done through the Ipod features on the Iphone. This unified system ensures that the Iphone is more than just a bunch of machines glued together. The individual parts all interact seamlessly with each other.

Reality tv

It’s hard to turn on television nowadays without seeing reality shows on every network in ad nauseam. Reality TV have left few topics unexplored, ranging from finding a spouse, trying to land a job, competing to win that million dollar prize, etc., etc. Allegedly, these shows are unscripted and unrehearsed social experiments which are designed to bring out interesting aspects of interpersonal and human behavior that maximize appeal to general viewers. However, what is considered “appealing” often turns to be the uglier side of human nature. Contestants sabotage each other, engage in mind games, encourage disloyalties, and employ almost an endless variety of unsavory tactics, all in the name of competition without regards for any self-respecting attributes or decency.
Reality TV was first known to me in 1998 from the movie “The Truman Show” starring Jim Carrey. Unbeknownst to the protagonist, his fateful events in life are carefully chronicled by media surveillance. He lives a normal existence until one day he discovers that his entire life has been an illusion for the entertainment of the public. This movie started a trend which continues today and is symbolic of how the media has shaped events and censored what viewers see. The media, whether it is the newspaper or radio or television, have such power to alter and even brainwash how we interpret events and manipulate how we think often blurring the line between fiction and facts. Reality TV portrays a highly manipulated and adaptive form of reality, so it is anything but real. In order to generate high TV ratings, TV executives have carefully designed these shows to insidiously and subliminally appeal to certain base human instincts. If nothing else, these shows can be quite amusing on an otherwise uneventful weeknight. Nonetheless, it is still disturbing that we find entertainment in the highlights of abuse and humiliation of others. If there is any redeeming value about these reality
TV shows, let’s hope that people see it as more than just entertainment. After all, it is supposed to be “reality”, and by stressing the unpleasant aspects of human nature, people should reflect on their own behavior and make the world a slightly better place when it comes to dealing with our fellow human beings.
Nobody can be bored when spending his/her time playing at the virtual casino. These casinos have such a variety of games, that everybody, even the most demanding gambler, will find something for himself. And every game has so many options, levels, rounds that many players feel they play a new game every time. Additionally, due to lack of limits and borders in the world of the Internet gambling, it’s not so difficult to join any tournament and compete against other players from various parts of the world. Progressive jackpots offered by the virtual casinos are so huge, that many people even haven’t dreamed about such amounts of money. What makes the online casinos the most popular and enjoying way of entertainment in our times? Comparing to the TV or movies, at the virtual casinos it’s not possible to be disappointed or unsatisfied (it may happen only if you don’t know what’s going on). Don’t forget about the principle when playing at the virtual casinos – it’s not compulsory to always win a lot of money, don’t treat gambling as a way of earning money. The most important thing when spending time at the virtual temples of hazard is to enjoy gambling, and have a lot of entertainment without leaving own home. Don’t watch the same movies for the n-time but log in to the online casino. The virtual casinos are completely different way of leisure than TV or movies. It’s fun watching TV when it offers some great shows, fantastic movies, however, at some time there is nothing interesting in the TV on every possible channel. You are now aware of what to do at such a time in order not to be bored. At the virtual casinos something interesting is always going on, regardless of the time and the place.

Amazing facts about tattoos

Amazing facts about tattoos

Bald facts
Tattooing has been used as a way of smuggling secret messages across enemy lines in times of war.
The 5th century BC Greek historian, Herodotus, records how Histiaeus of Miletus, who was being held against his will by King Darius of Susa, sent a tattooed secret message to his son-in-law, Aristagoras. Histiaeus shaved the hair of his slave and tattooed the message on to the man's head. The slave was told that the procedure would cure his failing eyesight. When the slave's hair had grown back sufficiently to hide the tattoo, he was sent to Aristagoras, who shaved his head and read the hidden message. The message instructed Aristagoras to begin a rebellion.
The percentage game
The world's most tattooed person is Tom Leppard from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, who has 99.9 per cent of his body covered with a leopard-skin design.
Guinness World Records states that the only parts of Tom's body that remain untattooed are the skin between his toes and the insides of his ears.
The claim to be the world's most tattooed woman is shared between Canadian Krystyne Kolorful and American Julia Gnuse. Both have 95 per cent of their bodies tattooed. Julia began to tattoo her body in order to disguise the effects of porphyria, a disease which can leave skin permanently scarred.
Head hunters
Tomika Te Mutu, a chief of the Ngai te rangi tribeIn the late-18th and early-19th centuries collecting tattooed Maori heads became so popular in Europe that many Maoris were murdered to supply the trade.
The Maori people in New Zealand tattooed their heads (moko) and buttocks by chiselling a design into the skin and rubbing ink into it. If one of their chiefs died, they would remove and preserve the tattooed head, keeping it as a treasured possession.
Europeans considered these heads to be curiosities and before long a trade sprang up, with the Maori exchanging heads for firearms. Soon the Maori began to trade the heads of their enemies killed in battle, but when demand started to exceed supply, men began to be murdered in cold blood for their tattoos.
In some cases, slaves were tattooed so that their heads could be cut off and sold. In 1831 Governor Darling of New South Wales took steps to outlaw the practice.
Pious pain
European missionaries in the Cook Islands tried to remove tattoos by scrubbing them off with sandstone. Since the ink lay deep in the skin's dermis, this involved scouring the body raw.
Missionaries in Polynesia condemned the practice of tattooing, quoting the Bible, which states,
Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put marks on yourselves Leviticus, 19:28
They tried to stamp out the custom and went as far as trying to remove tattoos by rubbing the skin with sandstone in the same way that a ship's deck was scrubbed. This practice was known as 'holystoning'. It was a primitive forerunner of a form of tattoo removal known as dermabrasion, in which the skin is 'sanded' to remove layers. Dermabrasion has now largely given way to laser surgery as a popular means of tattoo removal.
The oldest tattoo
Ozti the iceman In October 1991, the 5000 year-old frozen body of a Bronze Age hunter was found between Austria and Italy. His body bore several tattoos.
The body, nicknamed Özti, the iceman, was found in a glacier and was so well preserved that scientists were able to make out a number of tattoos. These included a cross on the inside of the left knee, six straight lines 15 cm above the kidneys and a series of parallel lines on the ankles.
Close-up of the tattoos on Ozti. The position of the tattoos has caused some to speculate that the man had his body marked for therapeutic reasons, because many of the marks correspond to the position of acupuncture points.
Royal tattoo
King Harold II of England had a number of tattoos. After his death at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, his tattoos were used to identify his body.
Many other royals throughout history have been tattooed. In 1862 the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, had a Jerusalem Cross tattooed on his arm on a visit to the Holy Land. When his sons, the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of York (later King George V) visited Japan in 1882 they both had dragons tattooed on their arms. Amongst the Russian royal family, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Nicholas II all bore tattoos. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination sparked the First World War, was also tattooed. Today royal tattoos are less common.
Sink or swim
Sailors with tattoos
A pig tattooed on one foot and a rooster on the other were said to protect a seaman from drowning. Neither animal can swim and it was thought they would help get the sailor swiftly to shore if he fell into the water.
Other popular tattoos amongst sailors are also attributed with particular meanings:
a full-rigged ship shows the seaman has sailed round Cape Horn
an anchor indicates he has sailed the Atlantic Ocean
a dragon denotes that the bearer has served on a China station
a shellback turtle shows the sailor has crossed the equator
'Hold' tattooed on the knuckles of one hand and 'fast' on the other were said to allow the bearer to grip the rigging better.
That's all folks
American George C. Reiger Jr boasts over 1000 tattoos based on Disney characters, including all 101 dalmatians.
Reiger had his first Disney tattoo - an inked version of Fantasia's sorcerer Mickey - at the age of 18. Since then he has been adding characters and now the tattoos cover over 80 per cent of his body.
The tattoos are carefully positioned. Villains are consigned to his legs below the knee, while anything under the sea is situated below his stomach. Other characters are also grouped by theme.
Because the characters are copyright, Reiger has had to seek permission from Disney and now claims to be the only person in the world with such authorization. He says he received it on the condition that he's not allowed to go to a tattoo parlour, appear in a tattooing magazine or make money out of his tattoos.
Sharing the pain
In the Pacific island of Samoa a chief would pay for his son and other lower-ranking males to be tattooed in the same ceremony.
The tattooing ceremony was considered so important in Samoa that houses were erected specially for the event. Lavish feasts were prepared and entertainments laid on for those attending. Although the ceremony revolved around the tattooing of the chief's son, his lower-status contemporaries were also tattooed at the chief's expense. These youths supported the chief's son and shared his pain. By subjecting himself to the painful process of tattooing, the chief's son was demonstrating his bravery at the same time as showing his respect for his elders by submitting to their will.
Mark my word
Landing at Mallicolo (Malekula), one of the New Hebrides. William Hodges c. 1776 The word 'tattoo' is derived from the Tahitian word 'tatau', meaning to mark.
The word 'tattaw' was first used in the published account of Captain Cook's first voyage, which appeared in 1769. It has been suggested that 'tatau' is an onomatopoeic word. 'Tat' refers to tapping the tattooing instrument into the skin; 'au' to the cry of pain from the person being tattooed.
Taking the p***
Urine was sometimes used to mix the colouring matter of early tattoos.
Early colouring materials for tattoos included soot or ink for blue-black and brick dust for reds. To work, these needed to be bound together by a mixing agent. Often the tattooist used his own spittle to mix the colour but occasionally urine was used instead. Until 1891, when the first electric tattooing machine was patented by Tom Riley, all colours were applied by hand. Early tattooing tools were rather like pen holders with a number of needles set into them.
Ring for action
The tattooing machine is based on the design of the doorbell.
The quick poking action of a tattooing machine, which injects the ink into the skin, is driven by an electric circuit very similar to that which operates the household doorbell. Modern tattoo artists work with a number of tattooing machines, each reserved to inject a different colour. The number of needles set in the machine and their fineness depends on what the machine is being used for. Finer needles are used for outlines, while coarser needles are used for filling in or for shading.
In prison, where tattooing machines are banned, inmates have been known to make their own makeshift tattooing machines using guitar strings and the motor from a tape deck.
Snake charmer
Lady Randolph ChurchillWinston Churchill's mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, had a snake tattooed on her wrist.
It became fashionable in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for aristocrats, including women, to be tattooed. At the time, tattooing was very expensive and people paid large sums for their designs. Later, as the costs were reduced, tattooing was adopted by the lower classes and the practice fell out of favour with the social elite.
The strategic positioning of Lady Churchill's tattoo meant that she could choose not to display it by wearing a bracelet to cover it.
The National Maritime Museum has not been able to ascertain the copyright status of this image and would welcome any information that would enable us to update our records regarding ownership.

Beauty sleep: facts and myths

The phrase we can hear rather often but don't have a complete understanding what it is: beauty sleep. We usually use this phrase to make a joke, but beauty sleep is actually a real thing and we all should get it. However, most people misunderstand the phrase beauty sleep.
Most of us think that if you are sleeping in any time but night - you are having beauty sleep. That's so not true! Beauty sleep is actually included in your night sleep, yet not every one gets it. Your body needs to have a sleeping routine, you should go to sleep and get up at about the same time everyday. Only in such case you'll get your beauty sleep.
Don't believe in that illusion that if you'll get your beauty sleep, you'll naturally become beautiful. People who don't have sleeping routine commonly look tires, because their body gets tired of the changing life rhythm. Those who get their beauty sleep look fresh and full of energy. Bad sleep can affect your weight as well. While you are sleeping, your body reduces stress hormones, which are important for fat loss. That means: the more sleep you get the more hormones are lost and the less weight you are in danger to get.
Skin is also very sensitive to your sleep changes. Body uses sleeping time to restore dead skin. If you do not get enough sleep, your skin may look pale or even gray, you'll probably get black circles under your eyes. All you have to do to avoid all these unwanted effects is to set your everyday sleeping time.
You should take care of your sleep quality as well. If you are having nightmares or after a whole night sleep you still feel tired, try something as listening to meditation music before going to sleep (you may leave it turned on while sleeping) or having a hot aroma bath before getting to bed. If this doesn't help, you are really stressed or have some serious health problems and you should ask for some professional help.
To use beauty sleep advantages at the maximum, use night creams and lotions for your body, exercise when you get up and eat healthy food at least for breakfast. Try to control your self and don't get too much stress, so that your body wouldn't be very busy at night and you could have a better rest.
Don't expect too much of it. As mentioned before your appearance won't change. You'll simple look fresh and your skin will be beautiful, you won't have black circles around. You won't feel tired therefore even your mood will get better.
Sleep is a very important part of our lives although many people don't pay any attention to quantity and quality of sleep. Beauty sleep is important not only for those who seek to be beautiful but for all of us because it is also very healthy. Although you may lose some day time, the one that you'll still have left will surely be much better!


- is equal to a 4 mile walk.
- burns up to 238 calories
- is a mild form of exercise that is good for your heart, muscles and body frame.
- reduces stress and promotes a felling of well-being.
- requires no special equipment. A flexible pair of shoes is all you need.
- is a great way to meet new friends and make new social or business contacts.
- is a great hobby for the busy couple who spends their days running in different directions.
- is an activity you can enjoy regularly and need not be reserved for the occasional wedding or special function.
- builds confidence and a sense of relaxation when you find yourself in a group situation.

- above great FUN!